Frequently Asked  Questions

Why do so many schools in Massachusetts work with True Progress?

True Progress has been shaped over the years bythe specific needs and requests of Massachusettseducators. It is specific to MCF and MCAS.

What is the current feature roadmap?

We add new assessments and features as requested by the Massachusetts schools with which we work. Curriculum-based measures, more frequent progress monitoring, and high school assessments are in the works.

Do you currently have open positions?

True Progress is growing rapidly. We often have open positions we have yet to post online. Email us if you are interested.

How does True Progress protect instructional time?

We offer quick computer-adaptive universal screening that can be completed in less than one class period.

Does True Progress offers free pilots?

Each year we offer a pilot to a few Massachusetts school districts. Contact us to sign up.

ls True Progress an accountability system?

True Progress is a learning improvement system. Accountability systems typically do not support improvement in learning.

Download our Free Guide:

How Traditional Assessments Fail Students
Who Learn Differently

Download our Free Guide: How Traditional Assessments
Fail Students Who Learn Differently

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