Why we started
Identifying students who are falling behind is not easy. Determining the reason they are falling behind is even harder.
We provide educators with easy to deliver, efficient, high-quality assessments. We organize and present data in a way that leads to meaningful educational insights.
We’re driven by inspired values
In a world where everything seems to be getting more complex, we value simplicity as a way to make things easier for our clients.
We build trust through responsible actions and honest relationships.
We work with others in a way that takes advantage unique strengths to achieve outstanding results.
We are here to support the learning of our students, as we help our educators learn about their students.
We strive for excellence in everything we create, in every interaction we have.
We value innovative problem solving as we seek to improve the work of our clients.
Let True Progress take the pain out of
your assessments.

True Progress in the news
Partner Spotlight: Track My Pro...
This one-time investment ensures a seamless integration and custom design of data workflow and framework.
Q&A with David Stevens of True...
Annual subscription fee includes Screener, Diagnostic, and Inventory assessments for ELA and Math.
Thinking Lessons
This one-time investment ensures a seamless integration and custom design of data workflow and framework.